My Story


I’m Alana and I welcome you to my humble clinic, Nishida Naturopathy. I’m so glad you’re here!

I have a passion for supporting and honouring people through their health and wellbeing experiences.

Welcome to my humble clinic, Nishida Naturopathy. I am a Bachelor of Health Science qualified Naturopath and a proud member of the Naturopath’s & Herbalists Association of Australia, Member #157359. As an evidence-based naturopathic medicine practitioner, I focus on the reconnection to one’s self using both traditional and current research, laboratory testing and individualised healthcare treatment plans which can include the use of herbal tonics, compounds and supplements. I wholeheartedly believe that optimal and preventative healthcare should be affordable and sustainable; I will always endeavour to support your needs and priorities to keep your health journey achievable and enjoyable.


Nishida Naturopathy was initially born out of my curiosity for simply feeling better and empowering myself with as much knowledge as I could possibly get my chubby little hands on. Before I knew that naturopaths existed, I suffered badly with my own health issues. I was diagnosed with food intolerances after many years of suffering and slowly experimented on myself to reduce the severity of my symptoms. Every step of the way I was able to feel better, reduce my symptoms and increase my quality of life. I knew this needed to be something I submersed myself in so I could share this positivity and education with as many people as possible.


This lead me to studying a Bachelor of ealth Science majoring in Naturoapthy Endeavour College of Natural Medicine. I studied for 5 very long, anxiety and tear-filled years where at times I ate nothing but hash browns with Mac and Cheese on top (delicious, trust me, but please don’t eat 3kg’s in one week like I did, I still haven’t lost the weight).


It was during my time in student clinic that I learnt how to empower my clients with the tools to take back their own health. YOU are in charge, you can make the difference. I’m here to guide you, educate you, hold space for you, support you and celebrate you in achieving this.


Being in service to others and transforming their health is one of my biggest passions (and honours) in life. As someone who has been on their own health rollercoaster, I understand what it means to connect deeply, to be heard and held with empathy and to find transformative answers. My purpose in everything I do with Nishida Naturopathy is to align with this.   


I currently live in Carina Heights with my fiance and our little white dog who yells at everyone who doesn’t walk past our house fast enough. Apart from these two and naturopathy, my greatest loves are reading, hiking, visiting the ocean and having many laughs listening to the Hamish and Andy podcast.